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电话: 0755-88301780
传真: 0755-82838524
姓名: Rosily
syncretic semitech ltd

  Syncretic Semitech (Hong Kong) Ltd is a high-tech enterprise focused on integrated circuit design, RFID tags, smart cards, 3D cards, metal cards and wristband production. We have provided hundreds of millions of RFID products for many companies. Our products are widely used in Security, Transportation, Traveling, finances etc. We are based in Hong Kong with branches in Beijing, Shenzhen and Jinan city. We are equipped with advanced automatic RFID machines, aiming at building the first-

主要产品/业务: RFID tags, smart cards, 3D cards, metal cards and wristband production.

syncretic semitech ltd / 广东 / Room 407,Bld,F4,F518 Ideal Land ,Baoan Road,Bao'an District,shen (518001) / 电话:0755-88301780

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